All values are kilo-service units (kSU). Please refer to the NCI Queue Limits for the Gadi charging rates.
Project Code | Lead Chief Investigator | ANU School/Dept/Unit | Gadi Allocation (kSU) |
NEW | Mona E. Mahani | ANU Institute for Climate, Energy & Disaster Solutions | 4058 |
NEW | Hiep Nguyen | Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics | 3632 |
NEW | Lei Wang | ANU School of Computing | 1400 |
NEW | Juan Felipe Torres | School of Engineering | 1505 |
NEW | Teng Lu | Research School of Chemistry | 1050 |
NEW | Thang Bui | School of Computing | 420 |
NEW | Alexander Mikheyev | Research School of Biology | 240 |
NEW | Tue Gorgens | Research School of Economics | 200 |
NEW | Jing Jiang | School of Computing | 200 |
NEW | Xiaolin (Shannon) Wang | School of Engineering | 1503 |
NEW | Lexing Xie | School of Computing | 200 |
NEW | Alireza Rahbari | School of Engineering | 200 |
ap38 | Mark Knackstedt | Materials Physics, RSPhys | 741 |
bs31 | Dr Jamie Hicks | Research School of Chemistry | 271 |
df29 | Christina Spry | Research School of Biology | 340 |
do77 | Gaetan Burgio | JCSMR | 2974 |
dx61 | Minh Bui | School of Computing | 2021 |
ek9 | Christoph Federrath | Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics | 41270 |
el06 | Louis Moresi | Research School of Earth Sciences | 223 |
em78 | Hrvoje Tkalçic | Research School of Earth Sciences | 891 |
en71 | Simon Haine | Physics | 1400 |
eo34 | Mark Humphrey | Research School of Chemistry | 963 |
eu59 | Tony Xu | John Curtin School of Medical Research | 357 |
fx09 | Jiayu Wen | John Curtin School of Medical Research | 2609 |
fy07 | Alireza Ariafard | Research School of Chemistry | 846 |
g15 | Ben Corry | Research School of Biology | 20439 |
gi30 | Michael McCullough | John Curtin School of Medical Research | 222 |
jh2 | Mark Krumholz | Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics | 7089 |
ki12 | Robert Stranger | Research School of Chemistry | 560 |
kr97 | Alberto F. Martin | School of Computing | 292 |
kx58 | Giuseppe Barca | Computer Science | 7089 |
ls80 | Nicholas Chilton | Research School of Chemistry | 719 |
n72 | Em. Prof. Geoffrey Bicknell | Research School of Astronomy & Astrophysics | 3276 |
nm03 | Callum Shakespeare | Research School of Earth Sciences | 4042 |
ny83 | Hanna Suominen | ANU School of Computing and ANU School of Medicine and Psychology | 479 |
ob38 | Danielle Way | Research School of Biology | 195 |
p00 | Amanda Barnard | ANU School of Computing | 3240 |
q80 | Cedric Simenel | Research School of Physics, Department of Fundamental and Theoretical Physics | 200 |
ri21 | Prof. Ruth Arkell | Arkell Group-John Curtin School of Medical Research | 254 |
rj44 | Chung-Han Tsai | Centre for Advanced Microscopy | 207 |
sh73 | Nicholas White | Research School of Chemistry | 330 |
tb21 | Dan Andrews | John Curtin School of Medical Research | 3377 |
tz21 | Paul Tregoning | RSES | 2051 |
um09 | John Taylor | School of Computing | 880 |
uy38 | Ray Tobler | Evolution of Cultural Diversity Initiative | 509 |
vc68 | Yanrong Yang | Research School of Finance, Actuarial Studies and Statistics | 200 |
vo05 | Mark Hoggard | Research School of Earth Sciences | 3604 |
w09 | Adrian Sheppard | Research School of Physics (Department of Materials Physics) | 2631 |
wj98 | Jiawei Hou | Fenner School of Environment & Society | 200 |
x01 | Anatoli Kheifets | Research School of Physics | 921 |
x77 | Adele Morrison | Research School of Earth Sciences | 48181 |
x89 | Rika Kobayashi | NCI | 791 |
xa1 | John Pye | School of Engineering | 325 |
xb91 | Brian Parker | School of Computing | 702 |
xc17 | Eduardo Eyras | John Curtin School of Medical Research | 1158 |
xc8 | Brendan McKay | School of Computing | 364 |
xd2 | Rhodri Davies | Research School of Earth Sciences | 25025 |
xe2 | Justin Borevitz | Research School of Biology | 1366 |
xf3 | Benjamin Schwessinger | Research School Biology | 551 |
xx92 | Xi Li | Canberra Clinical Genomics, John Curtin School of Medical Research | 1552 |
xz2 | Colin Jackson | ANU, RSC & RSB | 1011 |
y08 | Matthew Hole | Mathematical Sciences Institute | 2929 |
y89 | Luca Casagrande | Research School of Astronomy & Astrophysics | 25494 |
zv32 | Quanling Deng | School of Computing | 752 |
Total Allocation (kSU) | 242721 |