ANU Merit Allocation Scheme

2025 Outcomes

All values are kilo-service units (kSU). Please refer to the NCI Queue Limits for the Gadi charging rates.

Project Code Lead Chief Investigator ANU School/Dept/Unit Gadi Allocation (kSU)
NEW Mona E. Mahani ANU Institute for Climate, Energy & Disaster Solutions 4058
NEW Hiep Nguyen Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics 3632
NEW Lei Wang ANU School of Computing 1400
NEW Juan Felipe Torres School of Engineering 1505
NEW Teng Lu Research School of Chemistry 1050
NEW Thang Bui School of Computing 420
NEW Alexander Mikheyev Research School of Biology 240
NEW Tue Gorgens Research School of Economics 200
NEW Jing Jiang School of Computing 200
NEW Xiaolin (Shannon) Wang School of Engineering 1503
NEW Lexing Xie School of Computing 200
NEW Alireza Rahbari School of Engineering 200
ap38 Mark Knackstedt Materials Physics, RSPhys 741
bs31 Dr Jamie Hicks Research School of Chemistry 271
df29 Christina Spry Research School of Biology 340
do77 Gaetan Burgio JCSMR 2974
dx61 Minh Bui School of Computing 2021
ek9 Christoph Federrath Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics 41270
el06 Louis Moresi Research School of Earth Sciences 223
em78 Hrvoje Tkalçic Research School of Earth Sciences 891
en71 Simon Haine Physics 1400
eo34 Mark Humphrey Research School of Chemistry 963
eu59 Tony Xu John Curtin School of Medical Research 357
fx09 Jiayu Wen John Curtin School of Medical Research 2609
fy07 Alireza Ariafard Research School of Chemistry 846
g15 Ben Corry Research School of Biology 20439
gi30 Michael McCullough John Curtin School of Medical Research 222
jh2 Mark Krumholz Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics 7089
ki12 Robert Stranger Research School of Chemistry 560
kr97 Alberto F. Martin School of Computing 292
kx58 Giuseppe Barca Computer Science 7089
ls80 Nicholas Chilton Research School of Chemistry 719
n72 Em. Prof. Geoffrey Bicknell Research School of Astronomy & Astrophysics 3276
nm03 Callum Shakespeare Research School of Earth Sciences 4042
ny83 Hanna Suominen ANU School of Computing and ANU School of Medicine and Psychology 479
ob38 Danielle Way Research School of Biology 195
p00 Amanda Barnard ANU School of Computing 3240
q80 Cedric Simenel Research School of Physics, Department of Fundamental and Theoretical Physics 200
ri21 Prof. Ruth Arkell Arkell Group-John Curtin School of Medical Research 254
rj44 Chung-Han Tsai Centre for Advanced Microscopy 207
sh73 Nicholas White Research School of Chemistry 330
tb21 Dan Andrews John Curtin School of Medical Research 3377
tz21 Paul Tregoning RSES 2051
um09 John Taylor School of Computing 880
uy38 Ray Tobler Evolution of Cultural Diversity Initiative 509
vc68 Yanrong Yang Research School of Finance, Actuarial Studies and Statistics 200
vo05 Mark Hoggard Research School of Earth Sciences 3604
w09 Adrian Sheppard Research School of Physics (Department of Materials Physics) 2631
wj98 Jiawei Hou Fenner School of Environment & Society 200
x01 Anatoli Kheifets Research School of Physics 921
x77 Adele Morrison Research School of Earth Sciences 48181
x89 Rika Kobayashi NCI 791
xa1 John Pye School of Engineering 325
xb91 Brian Parker School of Computing 702
xc17 Eduardo Eyras John Curtin School of Medical Research 1158
xc8 Brendan McKay School of Computing 364
xd2 Rhodri Davies Research School of Earth Sciences 25025
xe2 Justin Borevitz Research School of Biology 1366
xf3 Benjamin Schwessinger Research School Biology 551
xx92 Xi Li Canberra Clinical Genomics, John Curtin School of Medical Research 1552
xz2 Colin Jackson ANU, RSC & RSB 1011
y08 Matthew Hole Mathematical Sciences Institute 2929
y89 Luca Casagrande Research School of Astronomy & Astrophysics 25494
zv32 Quanling Deng School of Computing 752
Total Allocation (kSU) 242721